Recent content by David-Karratha

Prospecting Australia

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  1. David-Karratha

    Today I COOKED.

    Pickled prawns for a hot Chrissy day. Merry Christmas to everyone.
  2. David-Karratha

    Spanner set

    Yep, probably still got one somewhere
  3. David-Karratha

    Aurora Australis

    Yep. Went out and watched it last night. Didn’t take any photos as there were too many vehicles in the normally secluded place I went. lots of satellites visible these days too…
  4. David-Karratha

    R.I.P - Forum Members and other prospectors

    Never met him, but he was the first person to welcome me to these forums, and always seemed to have a kind word for newcomers and various commenters. RIP mate.
  5. David-Karratha

    Watch out for 'black nuggets'!

    If you ever wonder how many spiders are out in the bush, wear a headlamp and go for a walk at night. The thousands and thousands of little blue sparkling reflections you’ll see, are eyes. Spider eyes.
  6. David-Karratha

    Request for Feed Back on Subaru Outback or Forester Experiences

    The Subaru boxer engine is a really great & well-proven design. I’d go for pretty much any of them. Not entirely convinced I’d buy a turbo one however, but thats just my own bias - I’d happily buy a turbo-diesel, they’ll last forever, but a turbo-petrol not-so-much. Like I said, my bias, I’ve...
  7. David-Karratha

    Request for Feed Back on Subaru Outback or Forester Experiences

    I fondly remember the old 1600 Subaru I did half a million miles in when I was far younger. On the rare occasion I got stuck, I used to be able to pick up the back end and move across to a better bit of ground. Be nice if modern cars were this light - it’d be even better if I was still as young...
  8. David-Karratha

    Request for Feed Back on Subaru Outback or Forester Experiences

    My wife has a Forester which has just clicked over 270,000km. She’s had it from new and it’s never missed a beat nor let her down (in Perth). When we lived in Karratha, I bought an old 1800 Subaru second hand, and did probably another 80,000km in it. I regularly took it out on the Burrup...
  9. David-Karratha


    Is it still for sale? What bits & bobs comes with it? Which state are you in? (forgive me, I’m a dumbass & don't know how to direct message you)
  10. David-Karratha

    What am I hearing? Native animal? Ghost? Bunyip? Any ideas?

    Was kinda hoping it might have been the Bunyp Bird (the Australasian Bittern) as it’s probably considerably rarer, but the Bronzewing sounds to be the culprit.
  11. David-Karratha

    What am I hearing? Native animal? Ghost? Bunyip? Any ideas?

    Yep, I think you’ve found the culprit. That’s pretty much what we’re hearing.
  12. David-Karratha

    What am I hearing? Native animal? Ghost? Bunyip? Any ideas?

    Hi all, I’m in Perth, living fairly close to a golf course, in an area with plenty of trees & standing water. However for the past several weeks, there’s a noise that’s been driving us insane. Obviously attempting to describe a noise using a written medium such as this is probably an exercise in...
  13. David-Karratha

    Aiming driving lights.

    The above mentioned techniques will work fairly well. Depending upon what’s needed, driving lights are usually sold as either “spot” beams or ”spread” beams. Lots of folk will often buy one of each, so they’ll have one to fill-in the darkest area up ahead, while the other will spread more...
  14. David-Karratha

    Today I Saw a Native Animal

    Came across this little guy (Gal?) yesterday. He hunkered down in annoyance as I approached, then after I stood quietly for a while, he waddled off in disgust. He was rummaging around the tree looking for his dinner. Out bushwalking near Dryandra (me that is, not the echidna, he was at home)...
  15. David-Karratha

    Missing Prospectors & other Persons (WA) Western Australia