Additional Access to Parks Vic

Prospecting Australia

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Here is my letter to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Greenie Ryan Smith.

Dear Mr. Smith,
I would like to object to the Governments response to the VEAC Prospecting investigation. In the response it says that sluices and motorised equipment are not allowed in the 8 areas to be opened for prospecting.
What I am concerned about is the decision to ban sluices and motorised equipment in all National Parks where there use is currently allowed.
I would challenge this decision based on the Terms of Reference for this VEAC investigation, and the incorrect information viewed by people watching the ABC program. I would also challenge if the VEAC people actually saw a gold sluice in operation. If so, where and whom did they observe?
I raise the following points;
1) VEAC acted outside the terms of reference for the Prospecting Investigation and thus the process is invalid and I would think illegal.
2) Nowhere in the terms of reference does it state that there would be a review of what is currently allowed in other parks.
3) Nowhere in the terms of reference does it state that there could be further restrictions and limitations put on the use of sluices and powered equipment currently allowed in other National Parks.
4) As there was no statement advising that in fact the two above mentioned points would be a critical part of the process there has been no opportunity to address those issues in the consultation and submission process.
5) The ABC program which was aired to show some of the types of prospecting equipment, highlighted damage supposedly done to the creek in the Woolshed Valley, near Beechworth. The damage shown dated back to the 1850s and was not done by modern prospectors.
6) If VEAC has recommended that sluices and motorised equipment not be allowed then there should have been a full inquiry into the use of this equipment as was done way back in 1990 for the use of Eductor Dredges.
7) I would challenge the work ethic of DPI staff in the Benalla office who when given information by a number of people about illegal dredging activity, failed to investigate properly, failed to prosecute the offenders, and in fact did virtually nothing. The illegals were spoken to by Parks Vic staff and fined a trivial amount for not having a Miners Right. They openly said that they would continue because the fine is far less than the gold they were getting. What in fact should have happened was forfeiture of equipment and heavy fines which DPI Benalla failed to do. These illegals still operate today and nothing is done about it. If they couldnt manage to fine one illegal group how can they manage the Park under the new restrictions.
8) DPI staff are incapable of carrying out their duty in regards to the enforcement of rules of the Mineral Resources Sustainable Development Act as are Parks Victoria Staff due to staffing shortages.
9) If these restriction are in fact made law, then is the Government going to offer a buyback scheme for all the equipment that is now unuseable?
10) Is the Government going to compensate businesses in Beechworth, Chiltern and Eldorado for the loss of income due to the lack of visitation to the Chiltern Mt.Pilot National Park?

In summary, what I would ask is that the Minister suspends any such restriction on the use of sluices and powered equipment pending a full and proper investigation into their use and any subsequent environmental damage.
I will happily give my time to show VEAC and other Government staff what types of sluices are available, how they work, and how they are legally to be used.
Then and only then can an informed decision be made on the use of this equipment on the goldfields of Victoria.

Yours Sincerely,

Feel free to cut and paste this and send it to the Minister yourself.
You are a wordsmith of merit. I think everyone here will agree with what you have said. Being only new to this hobby I find it a bit saddening to think my interest could be taken from me so soon after starting it. I am currently reading 'Eureka" by Peter Fitzsimmons and what is happening now is remarkably similar with what happened on the Ballarat Goldfields all those years ago.

Hopefully with the efforts of blokes like you they can come to their senses and conduct full and proper investigations to ensure fairness to all.

Thanks Matt.,
I simply call the shots as I see them. "Fitzsimons book is a ripper and very well written." I thoroughly enjoyed it. Another great read is "Welcome Stranger" by Diane Deason I think. Also a great read.
Puddler Bill said:
Thanks Matt.,
I simply call the shots as I see them. "Fitzsimons book is a ripper and very well written." I thoroughly enjoyed it. Another great read is "Welcome Stranger" by Diane Deason I think. Also a great read.

hi bill
bit off topic but

diane deason is great to talk to aswell, she is a ranger at st arnaud and usualy will pull up for a chat if she see's you in the bush. she took the effort to learn about prospecting from the fellas at coiltek so she is more interested to find out if you found gold than asking to see a miners right, and incase any one else didn't click to her last name, shes is the great granddaughter of one of the welcome stranger finders and used her family info when writing the book.
regards tm
Thanks TM, her book was excellent.
On a good note I have just received a phone call from my local MP and we are meeting next week to get a working party together to oppose this proposed change to our rights.
On another good note he said the legislation will not get through parliament this year so we will still be able to continue as we were for this year. So no change ............yet.
His words were that the Envionment Minister "Doesn't get it." You're tellin me.
But at least some good news as a result of some serious work today.
trashmagnet said:
Puddler Bill said:
Thanks Matt.,
I simply call the shots as I see them. "Fitzsimons book is a ripper and very well written." I thoroughly enjoyed it. Another great read is "Welcome Stranger" by Diane Deason I think. Also a great read.

hi bill
bit off topic but

diane deason is great to talk to aswell, she is a ranger at st arnaud and usualy will pull up for a chat if she see's you in the bush. she took the effort to learn about prospecting from the fellas at coiltek so she is more interested to find out if you found gold than asking to see a miners right, and incase any one else didn't click to her last name, shes is the great granddaughter of one of the welcome stranger finders and used her family info when writing the book.
regards tm

Thanks TM for an idea for another topic ;) .... casper
Well that soon turned into a complete debacle. I get pretty upset when I'm removing rubbish from these areas (from couches to washing machines, plastic, glass bottles etc) only to imply that the reason I'm there, prospecting, is going to be further restricted. What a joke. If it gets to pans only it will be a sad day, as already stated, do those in power that decide what restrictions to place on us comprehend what natural forces can do to an area? I for one will highbank until the very last day we can legally, then probably walk away, let the green machine deal with the rubbish. So for me i can't see the upside, i can't see how we got any real gain. Guess if you see me in the Goldfields, I'll be the one muttering away in angry tones to myself. I just wonder whereit ends, woodcutting, trail biking 4wdriving , fishing, shooting, all restricted in some form, it's the younger ones i feel for, they will never know just how good it once was. :mad:
I see one very big problem for Dpi here. If these laws are to be more restrictive on the average prospector, the numbers of people deliberately breaking the law will increase. In my opinion they could very well increase by 30% or more. As many will not give up there way of prospecting & our heritage. Also if people can be charged much the same as someone that dredges than people may as well take that risk, same risk higher return.
It is also my opinion that DPI either don't know where to look for the people that are dredging illegally or can't be bothered going to get them. I'll even give some evidence of this I have seen many people with small river sluices in banned rivers or creeks in main tourist attraction area's in view of all on many occasions. Further to this I know someone who was sluicing a banned river while talking to the local ranger & police. the only thing said was "how you going". So this bring another point. As it is only a mine warden that we must answer to & the rangers are really virtually powerless. :eek: Oh that's right they don't tell you that, we don't even have to give ranger our name. But they will just write your rego down as you drive away.
If every Victorian prospector's stood there ground I do believe this fight will be won but unfortunately, we are not united like we once were and most don't or wont get involved. They have already divided & concurred so to speak by having different laws in different State & Territories. I also agreed that sluicing evidence was used by greens that was from 1800's. This would of been hydraulic sluiced area's & not areas sluice by modern day sluice's. But we were fighting an uphill battle as the panel that made these recommendation's was stacked with more green's than prospector's.
My opinion is that I now wonder if it's worth have miner right as it seems we get in less trouble if prosecuted without one.
My view, Do what you want & don't get caught. Don't brag just do your thing. But keep the noise down. :D
I can assure you the fight has just begun. The main thing now is stay legal, with a Miners Right and keep your head down. Over the next twelve months the powers that be will be watching closely.
You are right Dave when you say that DPI can't be bothered. They were given specific info by a number of people including Parks Vic. officers about dredging in the Woolshed Valley and they did nothing. The comment when I spoke to them was "Oh we rang him and asked him to meet us". Again, nothing happened.
Nuff said.