No Cyanide = Green Gold

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Mar 10, 2016
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It has been around for decades but they sound like they think it might now have some economic application. However for small miners, mostly to recover fine gold lost during gravity separation - more expensive than cyanide and not likely to be used by large mines. Still, it could have its applications for small miners (it might have less stringent requirements for handling and use).

Most cyanide does not stay around in mine dams etc - cyanide quickly breaks down in sunlight to carbon dioxide and nitrogen. However handling it is an issue, as are spills (e.g. into waterways), birds have died drinking cyanide solutions pumped out into dams, and metal cyanide complexes that are none too healthy do stay around in mine dams and not break down rapidly.
RM Outback said:
CSIRO have released a statement on the experiment using Thiosulphate to leech small gold in mining operations :Y: and this equates to Green Gold processing :clap: :clap:. Interestingly a Perth based jeweller is paying a premium for the Green Gold. Who'd of thought it possible :| can only be a good thing :Y:
Marketing ploy for the silly with money. They could just buy detected gold not mined gold. Ie no chemicals involved
I'd have thought provenance of alluvial would have more value than homogeneous mining gold. Ie premium paid for rare gold (eg Snowy River gold)