State Strategic Plan for NSW Crown Land.

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
For ALL NSW fossickers and prospectors this survey ends on 20th August. I have just finished my submission and recommend as many people here on the forum from NSW do likewise. :cool: It's a fairly extensive survey but not at all difficult to the very last section there is a section for you to have your say...and of course I brought up the matter of the issues surrounding access of our traditional prospecting areas and also that I was a member of Napfa. I did not pretend to make any claim or statement on behalf of Napfa but rather I made a personal appeal for the powers that be recognise that Crown Land is OUR LAND and that it is important to remember that.Among other things I also referred to our historical ties to the pursuit of gold and gems.....In doing so I did feel like a bit of a (Voice in the Wilderness)but I don't care..I had my say...and that's all I can do. :cool:
mbasko...I see that you have have been all over this for sometime now...did not realise that and did not mean to...'steal your thunder' so to speak. :cool: Your info on just what is required when simply wanting to know who owns what in order not to incriminate yourself by way of encroachment on enclosed lands and the like is an eye opener into the machinations of these bloody bureaucratic organisations solely set up not to be of service to the people who pay them ...but rather to obstruct ,delay and confound law abiding citizens wishing only to be informed in order to do the 'right' 'legal' thing.To add to all that they slug you with an exorbitant fee?...
To all so far who have submitted their statements and completed a submission... I can only say...'good on yer.' To mbasko...'I doffs me lid' :p :cool: :Y:
Thanks Reefer :8
You're not wrong about them just obstructing those of us who wish to do things legally.
I told the Dubbo office I felt like I was the one being fined for trying to do the right thing. :mad:

You didn't steal my thunder at all. Was wondering whether I should start a new thread on the survey to get a few more submissions so I'm glad someone did it. :Y:
Every submission counts & it's a pretty easy process for this one.
Cheers :beer: