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Prospecting Australia

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  1. kiwifred

    Miners huts

    Dont know if there is a thread on this (If there is mods please move? Post up your pics of the ol time homes etc that we find out in the bush Found this beauty today
  2. kiwifred

    Unbelievable Facts

  3. kiwifred

    Mine collapse

    Air Leg crew had a roof? collapse in Ballarat last night. 27 safe but 1 poor bugger lost his life, and a dear friend of the family whos 21 is in a bad way Just a shout out to all miners, be safe and come home
  4. kiwifred

    Warning Order....

    As we are getting older, and some of us are old..... it's time to get checked more often. Next time your at the quacks......... ask for a stress test Its a test to check the heart...... you never know when the pipes might be blocked. I found out that I have blocked pipes, nothing major yet, find...
  5. kiwifred

    Singapore Licence

    I won't complain about renewing my Licence again. The cost to own a car in Singapore, one of the world’s most expensive cities, has skyrocketed and now costs drivers a minimum of almost $120,000. The city-state’s 10-year Certificate of Entitlement, a licence people must purchase before they’re...
  6. kiwifred

    Have a go

  7. kiwifred

    Another big nugget found?

    Rumor has it another big nugget was found south/west of Ballarat? A fencing contractor digging a post hole found it...... He's now retired.
  8. kiwifred

    Fur Babies

    Lets talk about these buggers that get under our skin, but we love them SO much That mate that is Always there, no matter what Happy stories, sad stories.........Lets celebrate them
  9. kiwifred

    Random Advice

    Lets start a thread of just random advice. No specific topic, just great advice
  10. kiwifred

    Rivers and Creeks

    Sometimes we go to the best little spots. Post up some pics so we can enjoy this outstanding country
  11. kiwifred

    Things to think about

    Which letter is silent in the word SCENT. The 'S' or the 'C'? The best part of a cucumber tastes like the worst part of a watermelon
  12. kiwifred


    I cant get the map up on GeoVic? anyone else having this problem?. Thanks in advance
  13. kiwifred

    The Vic Wet

    I hope everyone's safe out there...... The creeks and rivers around Ballarat are having a major clean out, hopefully it will end up moving all that yellow for us to find. Slatey creek is raging
  14. kiwifred


    just read an article in, that tipping is becoming a big thing here in the west island.....WTF I'll tip....when people tip me at my job bloody hell....... end of rant
  15. kiwifred

    R.I.P.Bert Newton

    An Aussie Icon/Legend has moved to higher ground....RESPECT
  16. kiwifred

    Bloody Yanks

    New York: The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a strong and unusual warning: You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, yall. Stop it. On Friday, Mississippis health department issued a warning that more than 70 per cent of recent calls to the states poison centre came after...
  17. kiwifred

    Good Morning

    Morning Louts, I hope everyone has a good day today, if your out there looking for yellow, I hope you find some. For those in lockdown.......... hang in there
  18. kiwifred

    Need help please - check GPX4500 for genuine

    Im just checking my GPX4500 and it doesn't have a hidden code??? Im hoping its not a fake as I bought if off a mate a few years ago Its was tested in Dec 08.... it has a serial number sticker ??? Cheers
  19. kiwifred

    Another Newbie

    Thought it was about time I said g'day. I've been a peep on here for nearly 12 months, and have totally enjoyed the writings of this group. So, I live in the GT, Ballarat to be exact, and love going out detecting......I've found no yellow yet, but its only a matter of time. I am however, an...