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Jun 17, 2018
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As we are getting older, and some of us are old..... it's time to get checked more often.
Next time your at the quacks......... ask for a stress test
Its a test to check the heart...... you never know when the pipes might be blocked.
I found out that I have blocked pipes, nothing major yet, find out in a couple of days
Just a heads up...... ask your Doc.....its easy
Be safe
I know what a triple bypass is like, I had one, and yes it fixed everything up, but it is a bit of a shock when you don't even know the pipes are blocked or getting blocked until you have heart attack, I guess that is what happens when you never go to a Dr because you think they are only looking for something, well you can go more often and be a bit reassured I think, looking back would have been a better move 🤔

And that triple bypass was over three years ago now, and yes it takes a fair while to fully get over it, it was 8 or 9 months before I went detecting again and took it a bit careful, and 4 months before I was allowed to drive again :oops: so do go see a Dr as age creeps up on you 👌
I know what a triple bypass is like, I had one, and yes it fixed everything up, but it is a bit of a shock when you don't even know the pipes are blocked or getting blocked until you have heart attack, I guess that is what happens when you never go to a Dr because you think they are only looking for something, well you can go more often and be a bit reassured I think, looking back would have been a better move 🤔

And that triple bypass was over three years ago now, and yes it takes a fair while to fully get over it, it was 8 or 9 months before I went detecting again and took it a bit careful, and 4 months before I was allowed to drive again :oops: so do go see a Dr as age creeps up on you 👌
I had a quadruple bypass 5 years ago. Changed my diet and lost a chunk of weight (should've done that years ago). Had some issues with drug reactions and PTSD, but going OK. Then last year got diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (improper white cell production).
If I'd known I would need my body for this long, I would've looked after it a lot better!
Update on my post about a stress test. As I said earlier, we are all getting older or are old (me), and getting a stress test is easy.... well, I dodged a bullet..... one of my arteries was nearly totally blocked. The Cardiologist said it was a really good pick-up getting tested, as it wouldn't have lasted much longer, as a heart attack was almost certian. Stent inserted yesterday, a few days taking it easy, then the slow build up back to normal again
In good old Infantry talk...... dont F--- around... get it done and look after yourself
You only have one life and there is no sequel
I had a stress test 2 years ago at the request of my GP, due to both my mum & dad having triple bypasses.

I expected something to be found, instead it went extremely well.

But I agree with you kiwifred, it is better to be checked out sooner rather than too late.
I just spent a couple of weeks snorkelling the coral reef and fresh water streams. It was a bit much exposure to the sun and I ended up with a few itchy spots so I stopped off in Perth on the way home for a skin cancer check. I got the all clear so that was comforting, just age spots, I find that hard to believe 😂
I get skin checked every year after a tiny carcinoma nearly did me in 24 years ago and it was from when as a kid no sunscreen ( wasn’t invented) and going to the beach three or four times a week and all weekend. No shirt, and get home and Mum would would apply a coating of malt vinegar ( i ended up smelling like fish and chips) and later on in life, a good lathering of coconut butter which made the skin burn and tan up. After that a few years bricklaying with no shirt on except winter, so I guess the stage was set. Slip, slop, slap, and the other suff they recommend, Do it!

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