GPX X-Coils vs Nugget Finder/Coiltek Coils.

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There's all this hype about the Russian X coils for the GPX detectors but there is nothing to say & or any results V the Nugget Finder and Coiltek coils?

Hope to hear from anyone who has tested the GPX detector X coils against the Aussie brand coils?
I guess since there's no reviews between the

X coils V NF Evolution coils V Coiltek coils,

things are looking good for our Aussie brand coils and we don't have to worry about missing the gold. :cool:
Self Edit. Ok, just found a discussion about the testing phase of such coils on another forum.

-Very interesting!
Deepseeker said:
Self Edit. Ok, just found a discussion about the testing phase of such coils on another forum.

-Very interesting!

Had a quick search came across a Steve Herbash.... (or something like that) site seems to be all USA based with old outdated data and info (and US$ quoted?). Lost me almost immediately.

That being said I think it would be great (I live in dreams) if the various coil manufacturers explained the 'guts" of their coils and why one should be better than the other..t.. if the X Coil is so great, WHY? What makes it different?

I'm over new stuff being released and the experts out there going to their "flogged out" patch and finding heaps. Explain to us WHY you're finding heaps, don't just tell us the new XYZ is the greatest thing since sliced bread, explain what makes this new XYZ better than the previous ABC.

Like me saying hey my new detector just picked up 356 little nuggets in an area that my old detector found nothing go out and buy one ....... without knowing the nuts and bolts of what they are or how they're made or what differentiates one from the other it's nothing but an opinion or often an exageration ..... think that's often what we're being sold. End of rant.

Cheers T.

Oh for the record I use a standard SDC, a GPX 4800 and have both NF (2x) and Coiltek (2x) coils....... When you're om a good thing sack to it.
Knowing what I know about the GPX series, they are very particular with coil spec requirements, so if you build some coils that will work properly with all timings and live in harmony with the circuitry, then the coils will perform very similarly (i.e. 15" vs 15"). What differs with the different brand coils is more mechanical, and very slight differences such as:

- Quality of the plastics
- Construction method
- Does it have a breather/pressure valve
- Resins used
- What methods are used to keep the coil from being touch sensitive
- Quality of the coil cable
- Colour
- Consistency of manufacture
- Support network in case of failure
- Warranty period
- Weight
- Size/shape options
- Are h/duty skids available
- How waterproof is the coil?
- Reputation

All these things need to be weighed up by the individual, and then select the features vs. price that suit.

Often it comes down to something more simple, like a guy gets into the hobby because his mate has been doing it for a few years, and has become pretty successful, so the new chum gears up with the same detector/coils/headphones/enhancer/pick etc that his mate uses.
Since both X-coils and Nugget finder Evo and Coiltek elite coils for the GPX all use flatwire spiral wrapped tightly due to space, I doubt there will be any difference in depth between the X-coils and the Aussie flatwire coils of similar size. There have been no comparison videos done yet. I have asked some that own both to do some honest in ground comparisons, all I get is silence so far. Time will tell.
Some of the X coils are being made part spiral wound & part bundle wound, i.e. the X coil 12"x6", to allow smaller sizes. The smallest previously was the NF Evo 12"x8" or Coiltek Elite 9".
Nobody seems sure as to what the other sizes are as yet & even read that they could be made either way? For general retail you'd think they will be one or the other though?

The advantage of spiral wound over bundle wound, as explained by Nugget Finder, is a more efficient coil with improved depth & sensitivity across all target sizes.
IMO it looks like the "hybrid" spiral X coils are maintaining some or even most of the advantages of a full spiral wound coil but being part bundle wound is making them a bit "smoother" coil from most users reports.
Due to the tight specs required for the GPX coils I'd doubt much, if any, improvement in depth or sensitivity from them? (In fact many seem to believe the spiral wound coils are definately more sensitive but any outright depth improvement overall is negligible?). Maybe users are noticing a clearer signal with the "hybrid" due to it running a bit smoother over the ground?
Remains to be seen & I believe Davsgold is out doing some testing + vids today.

The X coil made specifically for the QED could be different again. The QED may be kinder to non GPX spec coils & if the QED coil can be made "out of spec" this might have further improvement in smoothness, sensitivity &/or depth for the QED over GPX spec coils? Worth noting though if it is made "out of spec" then the QED specific X coil won't work on the Minelabs (same as coils specifically made for the Whites TDI).

Some interesting coil choices at the moment with CC's, DD's, spiral wound monos & now these X coils. All good for us in the end. :Y:
Comparison videos (thanks to Davsgold):
Davsgold said:
NothingScientific or objective, just visual subjective, for people to make up there ownmind.

NF 12" Evo

X coil 12"

Also for those interested the 12" X coil in the video is a full spiral wound coil.
There are also full spiral wound X coils sizes 10" & 15x10 in use now.
They are, or will be, available full spiral wound from 10" thru to 17x12 & 17" round.
That extra bit of sound may add up to 40mm in depth perhaps I would have liked to see a bit more coil control but this could have been the wide angle lense throughing things out of proportion.
robmoto said:
That extra bit of sound may add up to 40mm in depth perhaps I would have liked to see a bit more coil control but this could have been the wide angle lense throughing things out of proportion.

robmoto...If you need more sound get an amp (sp01) you will only hear what your detector is putting out.
EVIE/BEE said:
robmoto said:
That extra bit of sound may add up to 40mm in depth perhaps I would have liked to see a bit more coil control but this could have been the wide angle lense throughing things out of proportion.

robmoto...If you need more sound get an amp (sp01) you will only hear what your detector is putting out.

I already have one they are good eh.
I see Reg Wilson is advertising the gpx X coils that have proven to be a success.

I'd like to see the success in testing results, especially when this little coil costs $650 to buy?

Let's get this conversation going on positive arguments :)