Hill End National Park ?????

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Jul 26, 2016
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Read this on another site does anyone know if this is in fact on their agendia

Turns out Hill End NSW National Parks are trying to make the whole area National Park so there will be no more fossicking there. We were staying at, what we thought was a free camping area, only to be told that we were not allowed to camp there any more. It was just near the official camping area there and we have seen a lot of people camped there over the last few years so we thought we could too. 2 days in we had the National park rangers come out and tell us we couldn't camp there so we asked to look at a map of the area to show us why, which they said they would bring it straight back but 3 hours later they sent the local cop to show us a map that just showed areas of historical findings. We decided to move anyway but we checked into it and found out that they want it all to be National Park and you now had to get permission from them to even fossick there. We ended up in Sofala and have been doing a bit around the area finding a little bit of gold there. We are really disappointed that we can no longer just pop over to hill end for a dig. Information came from the Orange Lands Department.
Edit: Just read the link in post 2# :Y: now to see if any changes apply. If we visit HE in August I'll send emails in July to make sure I'm not going to make life harder for anyone.
This has been raised before here & met with the usual silence + inaction.
It's not the first time it's been mooted & the issue has been on NAPFA's radar for years. There was a meeting out at Hill End several years ago that stopped it then.
NAPFA have put in a submission in regards to the draft Hill End Management Plan as have some members.

It's a complicated area but basically there are 3 types of Crown Land out there. NPWS land, Hill End Tambaroora Common land & Crown Land managed by NSW Crown Lands.
NPWS land is off limits to fossicking but does have 2 x pay to stay campsites.
Hill End Tambaroora Common land - the trust allows fossicking but officially camping isn't allowed (unofficially I don't think anyone but NPWS care). To officially allow camping it would need to be included in the Common Management Plan & I believe that could then mean some basic, but costly, facilities would need to be provided in or near dedicated camping areas? Similar to the basic facilities at Wattle Flat.
The other Crown Lands do allow fossicking but you need to get a permit from NSW Crown Lands. Generally unauthorised camping on any Crown Land is not allowed. It is only allowed on lands dedicated or reserved for that purpose or under authority.

By the sounds of it they were camped near Glendora Campground (not in it). This was likely part of the other Crown Lands not part of the Common & could likely be land pending NPWS acquisition. So yes if they were on that land they weren't allowed to camp there & yes they do need a permit from NSW Crown Lands to fossick (not NPWS).
What's happening now is several areas of Crown Land (not part of the Common) have already been acquired by NPWS under Part 11 of the NPWS Act basically giving them control over parcels deemed to have historical significance. They have a number of further Crown Land areas outside of the Common earmarked for future acquisition.

NPWS also take several potshots at the Hill End Tambaroora Common Trust & Fossickers in their draft Hill End Management Plan so I assume they are still gunning for control of the lot including the Common.
It would appear they are trying to force Crown Lands & the Hill End Tambaroora Common Trust to enforce the "No Camping" legislation & fossicking permissions.
There are numerous Crown Lands signs with no camping posted throughout the Common & Crown Lands.
RM Outback said:
Edit: Just read the link in post 2# :Y: now to see if any changes apply. If we visit HE in August I'll send emails in July to make sure I'm not going to make life harder for anyone.

RM Yell when you know dates and will hopefully be able to meetup
LoneWolf said:
:) Its N.A.P.F.A Mackka ... And I highly doubt they know anything... They seem to be the last to know... :lol: :lol:

They've been trying to keep NPWS service at bay out there for a number of years & are well aware of current issues.
Unfortunately there's not much that can be done about the Part 11 Historic Significance land acquisitions. The Green Machine rolls on.
This has been raised before here & met with the usual silence + inaction.
It's not the first time it's been mooted & the issue has been on NAPFA's radar for years. There was a meeting out at Hill End several years ago that stopped it then.
NAPFA have put in a submission in regards to the draft Hill End Management Plan as have some members.

It's a complicated area but basically there are 3 types of Crown Land out there. NPWS land, Hill End Tambaroora Common land & Crown Land managed by NSW Crown Lands.
NPWS land is off limits to fossicking but does have 2 x pay to stay campsites.
Hill End Tambaroora Common land - the trust allows fossicking but officially camping isn't allowed (unofficially I don't think anyone but NPWS care). To officially allow camping it would need to be included in the Common Management Plan & I believe that could then mean some basic, but costly, facilities would need to be provided in or near dedicated camping areas? Similar to the basic facilities at Wattle Flat.
The other Crown Lands do allow fossicking but you need to get a permit from NSW Crown Lands. Generally unauthorised camping on any Crown Land is not allowed. It is only allowed on lands dedicated or reserved for that purpose or under authority.

By the sounds of it they were camped near Glendora Campground (not in it). This was likely part of the other Crown Lands not part of the Common & could likely be land pending NPWS acquisition. So yes if they were on that land they weren't allowed to camp there & yes they do need a permit from NSW Crown Lands to fossick (not NPWS).
What's happening now is several areas of Crown Land (not part of the Common) have already been acquired by NPWS under Part 11 of the NPWS Act basically giving them control over parcels deemed to have historical significance. They have a number of further Crown Land areas outside of the Common earmarked for future acquisition.

NPWS also take several potshots at the Hill End Tambaroora Common Trust & Fossickers in their draft Hill End Management Plan so I assume they are still gunning for control of the lot including the Common.
It would appear they are trying to force Crown Lands & the Hill End Tambaroora Common Trust to enforce the "No Camping" legislation & fossicking permissions.
There are numerous Crown Lands signs with no camping posted throughout the Common & Crown Lands.
The rangers dont live in hill end they drive from bathurst and the next big town above hill end mudgee?, you knock on their office door in hill end and they wont answer the door, you have to ring them, as soon as 4.30pm pm comes they drive off to get home, its becomming a big joke you have to have a crown land permit but they only work 2 days a week in orange, and they dont have many inspectors as they are very under staffed, and they refuse to simplify the permit system
The rangers dont live in hill end they drive from bathurst and the next big town above hill end mudgee?, you knock on their office door in hill end and they wont answer the door, you have to ring them, as soon as 4.30pm pm comes they drive off to get home, its becomming a big joke you have to have a crown land permit but they only work 2 days a week in orange, and they dont have many inspectors as they are very under staffed, and they refuse to simplify the permit system
If you are wanting to camp at the Village or Glendora campgrounds you need to pay online. Yes it's become a joke for travellers & it was the only reason you'd need to see a ranger out there.
The NSW Crown Land permits are only required for the Crown Land areas outside of the Common.
No permit is required on the Common.
Maps etc. here:
I don't disagree that it's become a minefield but with a bit of pre-planning & researching the area it's pretty easy to do.