Satellite phone

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Jan 31, 2015
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Hi Guys.

Not sure if this is in the right spot. I want to buy a second hand satellite phone but have no idea what to get or what works or if you can get one pre paid or if you have have a plan????

Any suggestions or offers.
Hi Jarrahrules. I have a Iridium 9555 phones. I got a full gov subsidy a couple years ago because I do not have mobile where I am. I am very happy with the reliability of the iridium network.

I think a 9555 is $1500 new or you can sometimes find cheap ones on ebay or refurbished ones from some of the satphone companies. You should also consider that better phones ( ie latest model iridium phones) will hold there value if you want to sell them later

I have not checked out the reliability of other networks lately so do some online research on what is cheap and what networks are reliable.

Even if you score a cheap phone it is important to consider the high cost of satphone airtime plans. Rather then a 24 month contract plan, many people buy a prepaid card and sim giving you say 75 minutes talk over three months. or there are monthly prepaid vouchers. Alternatively there are monthly casual plans but the actual call costs are very very high on them.

Some plans have free messaging to you where friends/family can simply send numerous messages via their computer/device by going through a dedicated iridium website.

I think you can also still get the cheapest Telstra mobile monthly plan and use that sim with international roaming on in your satphone and you can make calls at very very very high rates. This method is used if you only want to keep the satphone for only making emergency calls.

I have no experience on the sat sleeves that can be added to mobile phones etc

Cheers RDD

Link showing some prepaid rates.
Cheers RDD
Check out the slide on covers that turn your Samsung into a sat phone new from Samsung but probably cheaper just to buy a stand alone sat phone just another option for you
Not sure if the sub standard iphone has this option
Sorry guys im a Samsung man through and through lol

I thought about this and when I did, I realised I didn't really need one.

I didn't consider that I would be too far from a ground network in my travels and asked myself what did I want it for.

The answer was, in case of an emergency.

So I spent about $300 on a Garmin PLB. If I get in to trouble, I set off the beacon and wait.

If I had a Sat phone, I would make a call and still have to wait. I'm not sure if the Sat phone can locate me, but I do know that my PLB will.

The PLB was the cheaper (by far) option, with no registration fee, no annual fee in fact no further cost. The battery lasts 7 years and providing you take it to an authorised Garmin service centre just before the 7 years are up, they replace it for FREE. You also get one free replacement if you do have to use it.

I figured $300 for 14 years emergency security was a good deal.
I guess there could be a long debate about Sat Phones vs PLB`s. If the deciding factor is cost the PLBs win hands down, but remember if you are in a emergency situation and life threatening, consider the reaction time of PLB`s to a Sat Phone. The IsatPhone on the Inmarsat system has a GPS inbuilt you can send your coords , txt or via email, without inputing any txt just few button pushes to send to the contact of your choice.
The harsh reality is what price do you put on your life.
I have the satphone and a PLB. Both are for totally different functions. You need a PLB first up for life threatening emergencies.

The satphone is for all the half emergencies like ordering parts or a tow in a remote location and being able to receive calls from family back home in case of emergency.

In my experience emergencies in remote areas are rare, however emergencies with family and rels back home are more likely... and that is where a sat phone is handy to receive calls. In remote areas my family knows that the sat phone is turned on between 6- 6.30 every evening and they can send free SMS anytime via the iridium network.
I've just been down this path with a lone worker situation reviewing sat phones. I believe you will need to convey some more info. My advice based on my research and what you have provided is you will physically need to check network coverage in the area intended for use. Secondly if it functioning as it should is priority then buy new. The army and emergency do and I did too, if you a relying on it buy new.

Call plans are flexible depending on need but expensive. Most deals now you can get incoming for free. Some phones can track via gps and send coords and have emergency push buttons that you can set to specific receivers.

Hiring may be an option depending on need I hired for a few weeks before settling on type and sat network. Most providers will give you a great deal of help on your options and defining the best tool for the job, I would be guided by their advice. Good luck.
Thanks guys. I only want one so my wife can contact me when I go wa prospecting. That's all.
Don't intend on using it but my wife may call me so free incoming calls would be good. Will only use it once or twice a year so I don't want a plan.
Thuraya probably best value for money with pivotel $15 no contract or cancel fee and only pay for calls out all calls in at normal mobile rate ....................... BUT make sure you go thru pivotel not optus as pivotel you get an 04 number and this is normal charge for people calling you from any mobile regardless the provider. With optus your sim has an 014 number and callers unless they are on optus network get charged around $2 a minute.
Thuraya phones thru Pivtel also come default with data function turned of also and unless requested no data can be received on phone. At $10 a MB yes that's a meg not a Gig :eek: You can get a 30Gig a month data plan .................. only $7750.00 a month :/ :/ :/
I'm sure I can do without data on my sat. Best part about this set up Thuraya Lite on Pivotel casual $15 plan is apart from initial outlay for phone it only costs $15 a month to have it always available ......................... cheap insurance in an emergency situation
Small & light unit not much bigger than a normal mobile
Jaros a pleasure.
Bit more on that ..................... both Pivotel and Optus both use Thuraya satellite so your getting the exact same service but Pivotel have a deal going with Thuraya and hence can supply with an 04 number. So same service but a complete different situation as far as call charges. I had to pump Optus to get the correct info as when I first asked was told no extra charge for people calling the phone and only when I pushed was I then told as long as the callers phone is on the Optus network :rolleyes:
These charges apply even on an umlimited phone plan as most plans exclude calls to Sat phones being free in the fine print of the plan which is what the 014 identifies call as being.
Thuraya satellite is a fixed Sat (From memory over Singapore area) but as long as phone pointed N to NWN with clear line of sight reception all good. Thuraya reception only problem spots can be lower Vic and Tas.
Did a lot of looking regards this as hook up with the wrong service and phone can become to expensive to even have let alone use it :/