Seen any decent movies lately?

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Nov 27, 2012
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My wife and I are always on the hunt for a great movie so it's safe to say we've watched a few over the years. I can't go past a good comedy where as my wife is more into romance (surprise, surprise), but right now I can't think of any decent movies that we either haven't seen or actually want to see.

Have you guys seen any good ones lately?
I actually saw the preview to this not long ago, might check it out on YouTube and put it to the wife.
Hard to tell these days there's a lot out but not a lot of good stuff.

Skyfall wasn't too bad. Life of Pi was a tad too cerebral. Rise of the Guardians was a good story - but more of a kids movie.

Zero Dark Thirty - annoyed the US so must be ok.

Enjoy your search for good movie.
Someone was telling me about Argo the other night, I haven't checked it out yet.
last dvd i watched was a few months back " montana kid " loved it . a comedy western.
best movie in the last few year was without a doubt "taken" .
another one i liked a heck of a lot and will watch again was "tracker "

What about cowboys and aliens.... Its about gold robbing aliens.
I was a bit hestent in hiring it bur it wasnt a bad movie.
Uhmm, not quite a new one but whilst cleaning out our VHS movies the other day I came accross "The Nugget" (no way that was going in the bin!!!) :D

Can't go past an oldie but a goody
Argo was good. True stories usually more interesting Too. :)
Enjoyed DJANGO If ya Into Tarrentino.
Pi.... Shoulda Been over in 2 Minutes. Boy And Tiger In A boat,.... Tiger In A Boat. The End :D
Was just gonna say 'Django' Ramjet!!! One of the best movies I've seen in a while.
Not exactly a comedy though, being a Tarantino flick.... :eek: