The Good News thread

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Jun 4, 2014
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW
Just saw on channel 9 news a bloke detecting in England found a 16th ish century coin ,3 pence , apparent value now $1.5 mil, not sure if it was just a plug for Minlab as the bloke was wearing M/L cap and finds bag then his mate came into shot and the logo appeared again. Never the less.. Better news than that prick up Bundy way
A good news story because the world needs more of them.

A guy on a metal detecting Facebook group I follow posted this a few hours ago. (Copied with permission)

"So on Friday a young autistic fella came and had a yarn with me while detectoring, he was really curious on the detector, so I gave him some pointers and a few off the Browns I found, today he found me again, his carer said he spotted me from the main street. So I spent the hole afternoon detectoring with him, and when he left he said too his carer that he wants to start saving too get a detector like Rambo, so today I found a great little mate. I gave him my findings for the day and said when you have enough we will get one sorted for Ya."

So a couple of hours later some very generous people have pledged donations and a dealer has come on board with a special price and a few goodies thrown in as well. We are going to fit the young bloke out with a detector, digger, pin pointer and all the other toys needed to get him out detecting.

I just thought it was a story worth sharing. There are still some great people out there. Well done to Rambo and all the others who donated.
Heatho said:
Top story Rod, you know when Autistic people get into something they really get into it? He'll probably outdo us all at detecting in no time. :D

Yes I know a little about Autism. Mrs Ramjet has worked with special needs people all her life. Tough at times but very rewarding.
If it makes him happy for 1 week or 1 day it is still a worthy gesture.
Top story and top post Rod, it's great to read a feel good story for a change and I really hope the young fella finds enough to make his life more thrilling. Kudos to Rambo too for taking the time and putting a big smile on his face.
A big thanks to those who donated, it restores my faith in humanity just a bit more when things like this happen. I hope the young fella enjoys his new found hobby. :)
A great moment in humanity RJ....thankyou!

I needed to read something like this tonight.

With all that goes on in the world today, sometimes i forget that people can be beautiful.

Not in how they look, but in what they do!
Their brain is wired to handle ability in a different manner to the rest of humanity, that young fellow will not struggle at all with remembering what every sound and nunber means in relation to what lies beneath the surface, and his mind will string it together in a way that only a like mind will be able to follow(like seeing purple smells).