Using Computers While Travelling

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Oct 10, 2018
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Dihusky said:
Wonderful news.

It does raise an interesting issue though with modern communications. Not saying this applies to Goody, but I personally have no idea how to connect a computer when away from home. Have a good mobile phone with Telstra but don't carry passwords on the phone, they're on the computer and my login to forums like this is automatic, so my only means of communicating is via a mobile if I can get a signal.

Looked into satellite internet, but starting price is $15k and that's quite a few tanks of diesel.

It appears a few members have each others phone numbers, but if one is remote for a month, which we can do with our rig, how do you keep in touch and update everyone when traveling?

Maybe this should be a new thread?

Hi Dihusky,

Have started a new thread...

Do you have a smart phone? If so, 2 options...

1. Under 'Settings' >>> 'Connections' >>> you can turn on 'Hotspot Tethering' on your phone. You can then select the phone connection as your 'WiFi' connection. If you have a laptop this will allow you to operate on your laptop anywhere your Telstra phone has signal.

It is really quite a simple process to follow - after you have set it up once. If you don't have someone you know who can show you how to do this - I'm sure if you take your laptop to a Telstra shop they would assist you with how to set it up and use it.

2. If you have a smart phone you can set it up with the PA password and use it to interact with the forum anytime you have Telstra service.

If you are anywhere near Ryde - I could assist you.


Alternatively you can get a USB modem (I have one from Telstra), and even have it on the same payment plan as your mobile. I do this as it allows me to be on the 'net and the mobile is also available to handle calls (in or out), as the USB modem has its own phone number, not that you need to know that.

Rob P.
I like the larger screen on the tablet, so put a $15 data-only SIM into that. The phone SIM is the same cost, so all-up per month = $30. ALDI (SIM & service provider) uses Telstra infrastructure, so you've got the Telstra coverage around Oz.
currently using a Telstra netgear pre paid 4g/5g sim card wifi router, we were getting 80gig for 150$ over 12 months. Wife found a Telstra deal JB hi fi where we bought the router, she gets 50 gig a month plus calls for 45$ monthly. We are large users of internet.

:100: :100: :perfect: :perfect: :Y: :Y:
Bush Chook said:
I like the larger screen on the tablet, so put a $15 data-only SIM into that. The phone SIM is the same cost, so all-up per month = $30. ALDI (SIM & service provider) uses Telstra infrastructure, so you've got the Telstra coverage around Oz.
chances are BushChook, like how Vodafone has an access deal for Optus towers, but they don't have access to all the towers, or bandwidth.
I use Optus, my son went with VF, in many parts of WA where I get signal he doesn't.

I use telstra because of the better coverage in the WA goldfields, and have a next g prepaid account which you get a data limit depending on the amount you pay, starting at $30 for 28 days with unlimited calls and texts and 1.5 gig of data that can be rolled over to the next month if, also have a next g internet stick the type that plugs into the laptop, I have an extended antenna mounted on to my roofrack that I can swing up and extend, the stick attaches to the end of the antenna cable with a patch lead,it is then connected a 2 mtr long usb cable to the stick (female end) and then the other end (male end) to the laptop, I take the sim card out of my phone and put it in the stick so I can use the data allowance and also send and receive sms messages on the laptop. (saves you having 2 separate accounts)

It seems like a bit of messing around but when I am camped up the antenna is up anyway to give better reception to my phone, its a broomstick car antenna mounted to the end of an extendable tent pole which is attached to the side of the roof rack, it gets me reception up to about 80 klms from most towns, the end of the cable I just either put through the gap at the top of the window, all I have to do really is connect the stick when I want to use the laptop which takes about 5 mins which is not an issue as I just check emails ever couple of days anyway.

You could do the same thing if you have a router that you can put your sim card in and pair your laptop with it, or if you have a smart phone just set it up as a hot spot, the only issue is to take advantage of the added reception of the extended antenna you have to be able to attach a patch lead to your phone, many don't have them now, the later zte telstra tough phones have an antenna port.


If the cable from your arial doesn,t fit your phone you can buy a cradle to sit your phone in with adaptors that will fit your arial lead from jaycar for around 30 bucks then hot spot to your laptop to easy.
All I do is have the phone running with a charge lead some where legal
then use the hot spot feature.
I also blue tooth to the head unit for incoming calls.
be warned, If the laptop is within view of the driver and not in GPS mode, There
are hefty fines for it.
Plus, Having your mobile phone not in a fixture instead of lying on the front seat
is a no go as well.
That is in NSW.
Ded Driver said:
Bush Chook said:
I like the larger screen on the tablet, so put a $15 data-only SIM into that. The phone SIM is the same cost, so all-up per month = $30. ALDI (SIM & service provider) uses Telstra infrastructure, so you've got the Telstra coverage around Oz.
chances are BushChook, like how Vodafone has an access deal for Optus towers, but they don't have access to all the towers, or bandwidth.
I use Optus, my son went with VF, in many parts of WA where I get signal he doesn't.

Thanks Ded - I'll stay tuned to see how this plays out. So far, so good, but we will see...
Bush Chook said:
I like the larger screen on the tablet, so put a $15 data-only SIM into that. The phone SIM is the same cost, so all-up per month = $30. ALDI (SIM & service provider) uses Telstra infrastructure, so you've got the Telstra coverage around Oz.

Aldi sims, even though on the telstra network do not work in all areas. I bought the aldi sims for this trip to WA but when I arrived in Leonora they dont connect. I asked at the post office and was told that only telstra and boost (a telstra company) work out here
Believe me ...there are alot of places in Australia where U cannot get matter what U have...not counting satelite gear tho..even some places in Tassie...i Think out west in Qld is the worst....
When Im heading out, out, & out, I really like the point at which my phone signal disappears.
Remember when mobile phones didn't exist ... its not really that long ago!
I can live without a phone, given the pressures of family, work, & life in general, I don't miss it, or really have to have it, & the solitude of silence is a welcome reprieve.
I have UHF & all the other essential safety & survival stuff I need, & a HF radio is on the agenda, but to me a mobile phone is just another convenience I can live without.
I have used a Telstra prepaid WIFI modem connected to an antenna for that extra signal. Works very well in most areas.


I have also found that a laptop with a solid-state hard drive is the way to go when driving about. It handles the bumps and tracks better