Anyone prospected the Talbingo area before

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Oct 2, 2013
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Hi everyone ,

Plan on taking the family down to Talbingo NSW for a weekend and was wondering if anyone could guide me to an area where I could take the kids for a swing and also a little panning . Cant find any maps to guide me from what is national parks or state forests in the area either . We all have our fossicking licenses and would love to to introduce thr family to my new hobby. We have a sluice and minelab gm1000 on hand and would appreciate any information possible to Making the family weekend one to remember .

Thanks everyone
Not familar enough with the area mate, but as its between Kiama and Adelong and adjacent Batlow you might be in with a shot somewhere as these all had gold production in the past.

Short of no answer adelong would be the best bet, a short site search will point you in the right direction, Busted Knuckles (Youtube) pokes around there with a GM and alluvial.
Thanks GT.

Appreciate the feedback and will look into those areas on thr way in to Talbingo . Again thanks GT
Hi Wilsta and welcome to the forum.
I had a bit of a look on the other side of Talbingo dam early last year just after the fires had been through there. Most of the area is National Parks but where I was looking was State Forest and was very restricted to where I could go because many roads were closed.
There was a couple of gold mines in the area.
The terrain is very steep and hard going.
I agree with OldGT. Adelong would be a better option. Especially for a family trip and
you will definitely get some colour in your pan there.
Best bet would be to do plenty of research before you go
And also it's about to get bloody cold in Talbingo. I'd wait until after winter
Hope this helps
Cheers Banjo
Thanks Banjo , appreciate the info and yes I have done a lot of research on Adelong falls and surrounding areas as its an area to cross off my list lol . Cold I bet it will be considering Im going on the long weekend in June which is the opening weekend to the snow fields so Im actually expecting some snow but we have booked a house with fire places and air ons in every room so we should be good with the amount of thermo wear we taking along so we should be ok from that prospective . Well I bloody hope so . So so we know of any places online where I could get some maps highlighting whats national parks and whats state forests . I have all the other maps except this region . Chat soon people
Mate Banjo68's post is good solid can also do a bit of panning on the creek near the caravan park right there in town. I cited the comment below from a post that came up when I searched Adelong from the search box on the Home page...there are others there as well check it out mate...when you said 'licence' did you mean the Forestry Permit? that's what you need in the State Forest. :Y: :D

(If you go upstream to Wondalga, there is a few shafts in the green hills state forest that would be a place to give your detector a run.)
Thanks reefer , great info champ and will give it a look once Im there . Yeah I do have the forestry permit so I should be good hopefully . Will check out the other forums once I het the hang of this site and how to navigate through its Contents . But again thanks reefer appreciate the information .
This will give you some indication what is around but you will have to work out what is National Park Private Property

and whats not
Much appreciated Marksman .

This is great . May I ask as to where you obtained the map from . But again thank you for your assistance


I paied for it off eBay but there are free ones on other sites
I am sure someone will give you a link in the next few days
Sweet , I found a map of all national parks and state forrests map from national parks and wildlife site . Heres the link as you can navigate Australia wide with this one ....


Ummm newbie wont allow me to post links until I make 10 posts ??????? replace the word dot above
Hey mate. Just had a look at some maps of the area to refresh some places I have been
As you are staying in Talbingo. Your best bet woul be to look around the Bago state forest or Maragle state forest. There has been gold found in these areas
From what I found researching and getting out there and looking for myself is it is pretty tough country. Not somewhere you want to be without a backup vehicle and a GPS if you want to get into some of the massive gullies that probably have potential.
The tracks are 4x4only and you might get in but probably won't get out if the weather turns for the worst,as it can up there in a heartbeat.
It is some of the most beautiful part of the country,but some of the most unforgiving I have ever seen. Especially in winter.
If you go to the shop at Talbingo and talk to the people there and get some forestry maps they might have some local knowledge for you.
If I were you I would put it off until the summer months and go somewhere a bit more accessible with known gold and have fun finding a bit of gold in ya pans. Especially for the kids.
Good luck mate

Cheers Bango
Yeah thanks for thr tips banjo and yes we have 2 4x4s fully loaded with all the gear to get us through the toughest of all terrains so something we have plenty of experience in but none the less , mainly looking forward a nice stream to do a little trout fishing and perhaps a little panning pending weather . Most likely do thr detecting around Adelong area on my way to Talbingo as check in aint till 3pm so I plan on leaving around 5am and should be in Adelong by 9am or around that time so Ill have plenty of time to pull of and do a little swinging and panning before I get to Talbingo . By the sounds of things , looks like we gonna get a little snow that weekend so perfect for a nice bottle of rum together with some fat Cubans to kick back on admiring thr views I say .

But anyways , thanks for thr Info Banjo , much appreciated :perfect:
Good on ya :Y:
It's truely a beautiful part of Australia. Well worth a look. Especially with a bit of snow on the ground. The kids will love it.
One more tip I have is , if you're gunna be doing a bit of crevicing take a few thermoses
Of boiling water to thaw out what you dig as the ground can be frozen. And the creek water will be bloody cold.
Best of luck
Looking forward to see some pictures
Cheers banjo