Tibooburra Trip

Prospecting Australia

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May 10, 2013
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Just did a 14 day trip to Tibooburra, 10 in the field and 4 days traveling. If you're planning on doing a trip and come through Broken Hill, DON'T do the last 330km leg after dark :eek: Holy snapping duck sh!7e! The ridiculously abundant wildlife is suicidal. Luckily my mates towing a van had added truck air horns fed from a converted bbq bottle reservoir, and blasted a mostly cleared path while I sucked their dust and copped every unseen pothole for 4 hours. I think I've left fingerprints in the steering wheel :| anyway...
Being a dedicated wet prospector who likes getting his gold every time he goes out, I wasn't going to plunge top dollars into a machine I probably wouldn't use often or seriously enough to justify owning. I bought Digger Dude's infinium and got it dialed into .1g bits to about 5" with a 3x7"DD coil, though I had to swing really slowly and sometimes only got a faint change in threshold not a signal. Luckily most of the gold there is less than an inch deep on the shallow ground. My two mates had 5000's with 8" Sadie NF coils and all the bells and whistles and killed me on bits below .1g but at the end of the day I couldn't really complain on 1/10th the budget and some of them weren't much bigger than I get in my pan :D
We stayed 3 days in town at the aboriginal camp ground. Top place if you don't need power- $11 per vehicle, gas hot showers, gas BBQ's, proper bogs, clean and comes with a good yarn and a million dollar view.
The common around the town is huge and you could spend weeks just swinging here. We spent 3 days and the boys scored some tiny bits to my none though I did my bit for Clean Up Australia and found some nice topaz sunbaking.

Aboriginal Land Council camp ground

Super moon rising over dry blowing heaps on the common

Swinging on the common


Next we moved into the Warratta Inlier on Gumvale Station for 4 days. If your soft like my mates and need a caravan then you can take the station tracks around to the western side and enter onto Jeffery's Flat, otherwise follow the dry riverbed in from the north end. Easy to spot and a brilliant view as you enter the valley. We found a few bigger bits in here but with no real pattern to them, just a case of walking over them. Again they were all very shallow. One bloke we spoke to snagged a 3g piece but that was his only find. There is so much ground out here and definitely nice patches to be found but not this time.

Old shafts

Combining scraping with Google Earth markers


A gift for the next prospector. Sorry to offend but it had to be done

For the last 3 days we headed to Mt Stuart Station (unfortunately Mt Brown and Mt Poole are currently closed to prospectors) and again got onto some bigger bits but nothing over a gram and all on ground less than an inch deep. The low hills around the edge of the granites are capped with or shedding layers of conglomerate and the dry creek beds are full of it. I nearly had an organism! but sadly the 3000 bits I swung and got faint signals from contained nothing but just enough hot rocks to drive me nuts.

Hot conglomerate everywhere


Camp at Mt Stuart

Corner country

I want a gyrocopter

We didn't smash the gold ( less than 1/2oz) and I'm not converted from my watery ways but the gold's not all its about and I had the time of my life seeing some absolutely stunning country and evidence of the antics the old timers got up to before the time of automobiles. Hard bastards for sure:)
The road back to Broken Hill only took 100km to split all the soft drink cans open and pop the tops off all the beers in the waeco but I will be back ;)

Here's some more pics of stuff

Dropping stuff down holes

Instant repair for plugger blow-outs

Tibooburra drive-in

Icey treats in the outback

Mulga fire in a quartz ring :D


Nice pics mate, sounds like a great trip. I love it out that way too. Were there many mice. Plague last time I was there.
Good thinking with the plugger repair I will have to remember that one.
Looking forward to the google earth update :)

Top looking trip there Chimpy. Great photos. Love the mod for a plugger blow out, haven't ever seen that before.
It is the most beautiful country out that way. I have had to travel after dark between Tiboburra and Wanaaring. One hell of
a trip with the old eye balls going a million miles an hour side to side. Only managed to hit one Red, missed about a thousand goats,
2 thousand sheep and a million roos.

If anyone is ever out that way I can vouch for the hospitality of the Wanaaring pub. When we arrived it was dark only to find they'd had
a fire and there was no kitchen or rooms due to it. The owners still managed to feed our family with a lamb hot pot they had going on the
bar in a slow cooker and got us the CWA house for the night. We even had a couple of the locals offer us somewhere to throw out the swags.
If they ever read this, thanks again.

No mice, mate, but clouds of flys during the day :mad: You need a head bag for sure. The finny acquitted itself well but it was hard work. Good luck with the claim! The state gov just put my port up for sale so if we all get tipped out and paid off I may be over that way :rolleyes:

Dogmatic, it works a treat. I tend to wreck thong by wearing them in creeks and the suction always blows out the center plug. I wish id known about it the time it happened on the Turon and finished the step with 20 odd of those tiger cactus spikes in the arch of my foot. Another one I can vouch for is fold 2 or 3 layers of wet paper towel around a warm beer and give it 15 min in the freezer. Leave it on while you enjoy your icey bevvie :D


Top Pics Chimpy, great country that.
On my list for sure.
Did you try any other coils with the Infinium?

I used 10x14"DD standard in the deeper gullies and dry creek beds but as every bit of trash gets washed there when it does rain, it drove me nuts on tin and fence wire at about 18". The bigger coil was no good on the shallow sub .5g bits, couldn't pick them up surface testing. The little 3x7" was pretty impressive but not much chop below 6". Looks weird being so small but weighs nothing and was a dream to pinpoint with :D The 8" mono would probably go ok out at Tibooburra. I'm looking into some mods for the finny like this as the s-shaft was uncomfortable after a few hours


And off to jaycar to see about chopping the headphone plug and adding a jack for other headphones and an external speaker. No more sweaty ears

And maybe some sort of bungy setup as I wear a camelback and can use the harness

That was an awsum trip Chimpy.
Thanks for the story and the pics. Just makes you want to get out there amongst it.
Good stuff Chimpy! What a great report.
Boy, there's a bit of nice country out that way. And as you say, probably many nice patches laying about out there still undiscovered. I'd love to get across there one day. It's directly West of us here but, those roads are definitely tough on most vehicles and a big deterrent. All the roads out this way are pretty bad, even the bitumen to a lesser extent which is such a shame. :/

So nice to see someone else running an Infinium. That straight shaft mod is very interesting. I might even look into doing something like that also. Anything to make life easier is a bonus.

Sounds like that air shaft went down a damn good way! Made me think somewhere around the eighty foot mark when listening to the sound.
I haven't seen such a dangerous looking open mine shaft like that in a quite few years. If it was on an opal claim we'd be shut down faster than you could say OH&S. Gotta love that dodgy looking safety net. Next big rain and it'll probably be at the bottom of the shaft. They really need a safety net for that safety net lol!

Did you manage any pics of the nuggets?
All the best.

Literally just finished the cable mod for under $5 (add $15 if you need solder and an iron) and works well. Here's a link with some more info on the shaft. Old mate has 2 cuff mounting points to balance both big and little coils. Interesting.

My new mod

Now to hunt down some kind of iPod speaker to make into an external. All my gold is in the caravan with my mates who decided to split off at Dubbo and went to Hill End for another week :(


Looks like a good trip. Thanks for the pics etc.
I use a Nokia MD-11 speaker on my GMT. It doesn't have its own volume control but works good for $15.
Great tips mate, I have a straight shaft , but have since decided to belt mount, it is a top set up.

Neat looking rig. I've been using it belt mounted and the weight of the big coil hanging over my index finger with the s-shaft gets annoying. I'll make my shaft to take a minelab hand grip I think and probably still belt mount it. With the shorter external speaker cable there should be less clutter and tangles when bending down and getting the pick in and out of its holder

mbasko they look like just the very fella so I ordered one off flea bay this arvo ;). Until it arrives I've pinched this off one of the kids. Don't laugh. It works and has a rechargeable lithium battery :8


Hi Chimpy
I was up at Tibooburra just before the recent rains. It was still in the 30s then and flies galore!
We did similar as you in playing around on the Common a bit then off to Gumvale. We did not make it to Mt Stuart Stn. Again like you we got a few tiddlers (largest about 3gm I think) and all including Gumvale were solitary sitters.
The piccies you showed seem to indicate you may have camped on Gumvale where we had been. Lovely spot. Fantastic drive along the Warratta Creek bed to the main station road too. We went and had a look at the new shearing shed (with the owners' permission) while shearing. First time I've seen a modern one. A number of changes to those I've seen in the past but still lots of hard yakka.
Chimpy what a fantastic post to work through. I have never been to Tibooburra but know someone who has recently on this forum - sounds like a real experience.

Off to the goldfields in a couple of weeks - must start getting my gear ready this weekend!

Hi all,

Chimpy, A fansatic round up of what looked like a great trip. the photos and vids are awsome (thanks for sharing) Tibooburra is on my bucket list of places to detect.

How would you rate the Infinium as a tiny (under a gram) nugget detector, and how did it handle the highly mineralised ground up that way?

Jim & Kerrie